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The way the idea of on-line broadcasting from the Oksk hatchery arose

It arose in the editorial board of the most popular socio-political newspaper in Russia “Arguments & Facts” and was supported with enthusiasm by the gas company “ITERA”. This company has been supporting the project which goal is to rescue the threatened species - the population of the West-Siberian white cranes. Due to this and the labor of the best ornithologists of Russia from «All-Russian R&D Institute of Nature» of the Ministry of Nature Resources of Russian Federation, the Oksk State Biodiversity Hatchery, and the fund “Sterch” on the territory of nesting, wintering and migration of the birds the research and monitoring works are being conducted and in the Oksk Hatchery near the city of Ryazan a group of white cranes lives all the time – their chicks play the main part in the population supply.

During this time the motorized hang gliders were specially designed and the legendary flight of the young white cranes led by the hang gliders was performed from Yamal to Kazakhstan. According to the official data, in the result of the work which goal was to liberate the chicks grown in the hatchery, the magnitude of the population has been stabilized and the positive tendency has begun to show.

During all this time the organizers attract the public attention to the problem conducting the “white crane days”, lessons of ecology at schools, participating in the local and international festivals, fairs and conferences and arranging excursions to the hatchery. But in spite of the growing awareness on the white cranes complicated situation the problem is still closed for the majority.

That is why in 2011 the idea to arrange 24-hours on-line broadcasting from the Oksk hatchery arose. The initial idea to install the web-camera to watch the sitting on the eggs till the arranging of the on-line broadcasting to watch the whole cycle of the white crane’s life - mating season, laying of eggs, hatching and teaching the chicks to fly after the motorized hang gliders.

The idea was prompted by the experience of the American colleagues who installed the web-camera over the nest of the bald eagle. For the present moment hundred thousands of people have already watched this project and the project itself became a trend in the life of the modern international Internet community.

The idea to perform the unique project for Russia was eagerly supported by the companies which field of business allows helping with its realization – the manufacturer of the net and telecommunications facilities оборудованияD-Link and the interactive service Comdi. The mobile partner of the project is the cellular operator “MTS”.

Watch the on-line broadcasting from the the Oksk hatchery arose

Photogallery grom the the Oksk hatchery arose


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